Money Makes The World Go Round

If you are familiar with the 1972 movie musical Cabaret, with Liza Minelli, Joel Grey, and Michael York, the heading above likely started a tune in your head. John Kander and Fred Ebb wrote a song for the film called, “Money, Money” in which my heading is the refrain. I chose the reference to Cabaret, in part, because the film is set in Weimer Germany in 1931, just two years before Hitler came to power. The Kander and Ebb song is meant to satirize the importance we attach to money.  However, the refrain is also true: very little can be done if you do not have the money to do it.

While the analogy to Germany in the 1930s can be over-done, the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the United States Capitol and the nightly programming of Fox “News,” among other things, should be sufficient warning that the United States is not immune to groups sharing characteristics with the Nazis from acquiring political power here. That is an outcome which the Democratic Party is committed to prevent.

January 6 and Fox “News” are national phenomena but we are seeing similar trends here in Ohio. Our General Assembly is passing laws forbidding teaching in our schools of anything which may make someone “uncomfortable.”  The obvious intent is to whitewash the history our children learn and erase the mistakes made in the past such as slavery, Jim Crow laws, and our treatment of Native Americans. It is true that those who do not learn the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them.

Locally, one of our county commissioners has posted signs around the County telling people they can “Stop the Madness” by perpetuating one-party rule. Our local state representatives introduce bills in Columbus to “defend gun rights” against the “tyranny” of sensible regulation but also introduce and enact legislation giving the state control over what a woman does with her own body.

It takes money for our voices in opposition to be heard.  As we saw in 2022, winning office in Ohio takes lots of money and the candidate with more money behind him or her usually wins. The Clermont County Democratic Party needs money just to stay in existence as a voice countering the Republican lies, fear-mongering, and corruption. If the Party is going to provide meaningful support to our candidates for local offices, the Ohio House, and Ohio Senate, the Party needs more money than it has had at any time in recent years. Having the right values is necessary, but not sufficient. Money does make the world go around.

We are painfully aware that everything is getting more expensive, and money is tight. However, if you can, please provide some financial support to our Party.

Please join our Donkey Club. You can find more information on our website,, and you can join online at  Thank you in advance for your support.

Save the Date!

You may recall that the Clermont County Democratic Party used to have our Donkey Dinner every spring as our major fundraiser for the Party. It also provided an opportunity for all of us to get together in a more social setting. Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic has prevented us from having the Donkey Dinner for about three years.

The good news is that the Donkey Dinner is back, although it is coming back in a different format. The 2023 Donkey Dinner will be a picnic on the afternoon of Saturday, May 20, 2023, at the American Legion Victor Stier Post 450, 450 Victor Stier Drive, Milford, Ohio 45150. The Legion Post is located on the banks of the Little Miami River in Old Milford. We expect to have some interesting speakers as well as games for both adults and children. Please watch our website,, and your e-mail for more details. Please plan to join us on May 20.

Hope to see you at the picnic in May.

Stay safe.