Clermont County Democrats Elect Patty Lawrence as New Party Chair

I am honored to lead the Clermont County Democratic Party (CCDP) for the next two years and take your faith in my leadership seriously. CCDP will do the necessary work to elect Democrats.
I am passionate about supporting Democratic values and electing candidates who will implement them in our county, state, and nation. In 2017, a few friends and I founded the Loveland Action Team, which is now Democracy in Action, and in 2018 I ran for State Representative. One goal of that race was to build the base in Clermont County, and I have been working steadily on that ever since.
Perhaps our paths have crossed, and if not, I look forward to meeting you as we work to get Joe Biden, Sherrod Brown, Sammi Meadows, Shane Marcum, Katie Vockell, Tracey McCullough, Brad Combs, Jen Mazzuckelli, Liz Jones, and Diane Fisher elected this November.
As party chair, I pledge that we will:
- Welcome all stakeholders, including the Central Committee, volunteers, donors, and candidates. Your voice will be heard and your time, effort, and money respected;
- Educate our community on party and election governance to ensure that we create a knowledgeable and vibrant base; and
- Be transparent in all matters.
This year, CCDP will focus on five areas:
- Improve communication via our newsletter, social media, and website.
- Create a volunteer pipeline that successfully welcomes new volunteers, ensures they are aware of volunteer opportunities, and strengthens the party’s infrastructure.
- Expand candidate development so that we run qualified, prepared candidates.
- Strengthen our community outreach with a plan to flip high priority precincts and increase the margins across the board.
- Increase funding. Fulfilling our mission cannot happen without money. Click here to contribute.
To better serve the party and our community, CCDP is moving to a new office in Eastgate. There, we will be able to accommodate more people at meetings and host events. Please join us May 15 for an open house starting at 6:30 p.m.
We must do this important work together. Take the first step and attend a monthly party meeting or open house. Our next party meeting is May 23. Attend. Bring a friend. We have much to accomplish this year.
Be a part of changing our community, supporting our candidates, and closing the margins on statewide races. Together, we will have a remarkable impact.
Let’s roll.
Patty Lawrence