A new Ohio Democratic Party Pride Caucus is being organized. CLICK HERE for more information and/or how to get involved.
We want to call your attention to work we have begun to better organize and mobilize a key group of Ohio Democrats who reside in every part of our great state.
Your fellow Democrats who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community are currently laying the groundwork to launch the Ohio Democratic Party’s newest constituency group: the Pride Caucus. Our goal is to create a statewide network of volunteers, advocates, organizers, candidates, donors and voters to advance the issues important to all of us.
We kindly ask for your help.
On Thursday, March 16, Pride Caucus organizers will host a Zoom meeting to gather valuable input from Ohio’s LGBTQ+ elected officials and party leaders.
Ohio Democratic Party Pride Caucus
Listening Session
Thursday, March 16, 2023, at 6 p.m.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrdeGprzsoHdMtHM2J-Nji-bC2gSQN0tWb
As members of the Ohio Democratic Party Executive Committee, your wisdom and experience are welcomed and needed. We invite you to share your suggestions for organizing and activating our new caucus, which we hope to present formally to you at your summer meeting.
We are planning two more Zoom listening sessions in March to discuss the Pride Caucus with all interested LGBTQ+ Ohioans. We ask you to share those details with your LGBTQ+ friends, family, neighbors and party colleagues:
Ohio Democratic Party Pride Caucus
LGBTQ+ Community Listening Sessions
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 6 p.m.
and Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 6 p.m.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUlduuhrzMuGNHJGgVav5xsnUfCe-f6QK3L
Our new Pride Caucus will help amplify the voice of LGBTQ+ Ohioans and offer them a community- centered vehicle to become more active in campaigns and elections. We are convinced of its potential to help Democrats up and down the ballot in every part of our state.
Thank you for your support. If you would like more information before the March 16 meeting, please email us at this address or call Jeremy Blake at 740-404-4881.
In Kindness,
Jeremy Blake
Chadd Smith
Marshall Troxell
Bob Vitale