- Ohio Democratic Party Central Committee Opening
- Milford Frontier Days Parade
- 2023 Clermont County Dems Fair Week
- Word From The Chair – Raymond Lembke
- What’s New From Clermont to Columbus and Beyond
- Vote NO In August
- Next Steps To Protect Ohio Citizens’ Rights To Ballot Initiatives
- Sign The Petition To Protect Reproductive Rights In Ohio
- Is Your Ohio General Assembly Working For You?
- Free Online Training
- Join The Donkey Club Today
- Clermont County Democratic Club Meetings
- Clermont County Democratic Party Committee Meetings
- Next Issue Publication Dates
Ohio Democratic Party Central Committee Opening
Constance Lighthall, our current female member of the Ohio Democratic Party State Central Committee for District 14, will be leaving and her position with the ODP will be open. We thank Constance for her service.
For anyone wishing to apply for this position, in order to be eligible, you must be female, a registered Democrat, and live in the 14th State Senate District, which is Clermont, Brown, Adams, and Scioto Counties. If you meet those criteria and are interested in the State Central Committee position, you should send a letter expressing your interest and making the case for your appointment along with a bio/resume to Bill DeMora at ODP. Bill’s e-mail is billdemora@gmail.com. Bill will forward that material to our State Chair Liz Walters. It is recommended that your letter be received within the next ten days.
2023 Milford Frontier Days Parade June 1
June 1 is the Frontier Days Parade and we need all feet on deck. Ben Brady is driving his truck. Cindy Daumeyer is creating a float. We will peel off in pairs (one each side of the street) from the parade at intervals to collect signatures from the crowd.
Park at the Milford Shopping Center and walk over to the staging area. Please arrive by 5:15 pm as the street will close at 5:20. Enter at Slagle Dr. (between Miami Athletic Club & Carpetland). Look for Ben’s red truck. We are number 48.
- Can’t walk? Ride in the truck.
- Bring your family as we will be handing candy out along the way, and this is an excellent job for kiddos.
Last year 6000 people were in attendance so this should be a good event for us. We will regroup at the Little Miami Brewery for food and cheer. This is a nice event for all of us to meet one another. This is a special group! Contact Patty Lawrence at 513-919-4857 for more information.
2023 Clermont County Dems Fair Week
Sunday, July 23 – Saturday, July 29, 2023
Join your Dem friends at the 2023 Clermont County Fair. Let’s show Clermont County that Democrats are here! Volunteer for a four-hour shift, or stay longer and sign up for multiple shifts and, or multiple days. (Minimum shift is two hours). Volunteering in our air-conditioned building includes a fair ticket and parking. SIGN UP HERE
Hours are:
7/23/23 – Sunday – Parade Day & Armed Forces Day – 12pm-6pm
7/24/23 – Monday – 10am-8pm
7/25/23 – Tuesday – 10am-8pm
7/26/23 – Wednesday – Seniors Day – 10am-8pm
7/27/23 – Thursday – 10am-8pm
7/28/23 – Friday – 10am-9pm
7/29/23 – Saturday – 10am-9pm
7/30/23 – Sunday – Clean Up Day – 11am-1pm
Everyone is encouraged to volunteer for any day and any time!
*Hours subject to change based on coverage.
2023 Clermont County Fair Events
After the Republicans in Columbus outlawed August special elections in House Bill 458 earlier this year, they have now decreed that we will have a statewide special election on August 8, 2023. Conducting this election will cost over $20 million taxpayer dollars. Why is this so urgently important? Because this move will effectively eliminate a right Ohio citizens have held for over 100 years, the right for Ohio citizens to petition ballot initiatives to amend the Ohio Constitution. In August, we will be voting on what has now been designated State Issue 1, formerly known as Senate Joint Resolution 2, which would amend the Ohio Constitution to make it almost impossible for Ohioans to amend the Ohio Constitution. CONTINUE READING
What’s New From Clermont To Columbus And Beyond
Click on the headline to access the full article
Ohio Sec. of State Frank LaRose sends out fundraising request disguised as important letter
Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose sent out a fundraising request disguised as an important letter, confusing and upsetting voters. Normally, Bill Joiner just throws political mail aside, but this one looked official. Obtained by OCJ/WEWS, the letter’s return address states “Secretary of State Frank LaRose.” Beneath it, “DO NOT DISCARD OR DESTROY,” also including “REGISTERED DOCUMENT ENCLOSED.” CONTINUE READING
Ohio Gov. DeWine ignores questions about gun safety amid state lawsuit against Columbus gun law
During a news conference Wednesday, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine repeatedly ignored questions about gun safety, which came on a day a 7-year-old was shot in the head in Cleveland, and as the state is suing Columbus over a safe gun storage law. The child was shot Wednesday morning and remains in critical condition at University Hospitals, according to the Cleveland Police Department. She was potentially shot by a younger sibling, police add. CONTINUE READING
Report details fast-growing CEO tax loophole giving multi-millionaires huge retirement advantages
A new report shows that a group that least needs to shelter its retirement savings — multi-million-dollar CEOs — enjoys far more generous tax benefits than the average working stiff. And that assumes the working stiff even makes enough to set some money aside in a 401(k). CONTINUE READING
Ohio Democratic Party Endorses ‘No in August’ Campaign
Columbus, OH – Today, May 18, 2023, the Ohio Democratic Party (ODP) Executive Committee unanimously voted to endorse the ‘No in August’ campaign, a grassroots campaign to stop a GOP-power grab that would effectively eliminate citizen-led ballot initiatives in Ohio. Republicans are pulling out all the stops to prevent Ohioans from having their voices heard as these GOP politicians attack abortion rights, labor rights and Ohioans’ right to fair representation. READ MORE
Ballot measure making it harder to amend Ohio’s Constitution facing second lawsuit
Ohioans vote on Issue 1 on Aug. 8. What does it say?
Ohio Ballot Board approves language for August amendment proposal despite objections
Ohio Republicans choose to fight abortion amendment the hard way
Important Voting Dates
- July 10: Deadline to Register to Vote
- July 11: Absentee Voting by Mail begins (ends August 7)
- July 11: Early In-Person Voting begins
- August 1: Absentee ballot applications must be received by your board of elections by 8:30 p.m.
Next Steps
Find out what you need to know from those in the know!
Tuesday, June 6 at 7 pm
The August 8 Election:
Why Issue 1 is an Attack on Our Democracy and Must be Defeated
Vote NO Campaign Virtual Phonebank and Training
Tuesdays and Thursdays
5:30 – 7:30pm EDT
Virtual event
Join from anywhere
Join the Ohio Democratic Party as we fight tooth and nail to ensure that the 60% threshold to pass a citizen-led constitutional amendment never, ever becomes Ohio law.
Never made political calls before? No worries, you’re in good hands! At the outset of a phonebank, we’ll thoroughly train you on how to make phone calls. Then, we’ll pivot right into making some calls to voters! After you attend a training and the phone bank afterwards, you’ll be equipped to make calls anytime that works for your schedule in the future. REGISTER HERE
Protect Reproductive Rights In Ohio
The Clermont County Democratic Party has launched a petition signing initiative to amend the Ohio Constitution to codify reproductive rights in Ohio.
The Republicans have successfully framed the abortion issue as solely a birth control issue. But any woman who has suffered a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or a myriad of other complications associated with pregnancy would disagree with that assertion.
Whether you believe in abortion, or not, we all have a right to bodily autonomy without politicians dictating our medical decisions or forcing government mandated pregnancies and births.
Patty Lawrence and Democracy In Action are taking the lead on the petition drive. If you have questions you may contact them at info@democracyinactionohio.com
We can never have too many volunteers. There are many ways you can help circulate petitions. House parties, canvassing, talk to your neighbors. This is a non-partisan issue. Reproductive rights affect women on both sides of the aisle. Click here to access the volunteer form for this petition drive.
If you are not comfortable circulating petitions be sure to sign one. We must be sure every signature is valid. Here is a list of some tips when signing a petition.
How to sign so that your signature does not get rejected.
- Sign the petition for the county where you are a registered voter.
- If you are not a registered voter, you may register online or fill out a form from one of the volunteers on site. Go here to register online.
- DO NOT SIGN MULTIPLE PETITIONS. You may sign only one petition only one time.
- Use blue or black ink only.
- Print legibly except for your signature.
- SIGN your name how it looks on your voter registration. Printed signatures will not be counted. Only you can sign your name.
Is Your Ohio General Assembly Working For You?
Unfortunately right now the Ohio General Assembly, also known as the state legislature, has been gerrymandered into a Republican Super Majority. But that does not render Ohio Democrats helpless. We are hearing from the Democrats serving in the Ohio House that Republicans in the Ohio House are not hearing from opponents to their policies. So the Republicans tell their colleagues no one is against them.
So here’s the deal, all reps are required to log every phone call and email from constituents. We need ALL good Democrats to call or email their state reps and senators every day or every week. Whether your issue is gun safety, reproductive rights, corruption in our government, voter suppression or public education, CALL YOUR REPS! Below is the contact information for Clermont County reps and senator.
Adam Bird State Rep Ohio District 63 (southern Clermont County)
Email: https://ohiohouse.gov/members/adam-c-bird/contact
(614) 644-6034
Twitter @AdamCBird
Jeanne Schmidt State Rep Ohio District 62 (northern Clermont County)
Email: https://www.ohiohouse.gov/members/jean-schmidt/contact
(614) 466-8134
Terry Johnson State Senator Ohio District 14 (all of Clermont County)
Email: https://ohiosenate.gov/members/terry-johnson/contact
(614) 466-8082
Looking for an issue to call about? Read the article below. Republicans in Columbus are trying to take away the voice of the citizens in Ohio by raising the threshold to pass citizen initiatives to 60% instead of a simple majority of 50 plus one.
Amid mass bipartisan protest, Ohio Senate passes resolution to make it harder to amend constitution
Free Online Training
Say This, Not That- Control your Democratic narrative
Thursday, June 1
Multiple dates available
8 – 9pm EDT
Virtual event
Join from anywhere
To win elections and support progressive issues Democrats need to communicate with the most effective messaging. Join us as we discuss how we can frame our issues and promote progressive values in a way voters will embrace. Each workshop will provide background information, provide examples of good and bad messaging and time to discuss messaging on current topic. Learn more here.
Civics 101- The basics they no longer teach in school
Thurs., June 8, 2023
8 – 9pm EST
Virtual event
Join from anywhere
We cover topics from how a bill becomes a law to who your representatives are to when elections are held and so much more. LEARN MORE
Join The Donkey Club Today
It’s that time of year! We need your support. The Clermont County Democratic Party relies solely on donations from our friends to operate. Our Donkey Club is our major source of funding and we hope you will become a member today. Member benefits below.
- A headquarters located centrally in the county in Batavia
- A bi-monthly e-newsletter
- A robust Internet presence on our Website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- Support for our Democratic candidates
Click the Donate button below and make your donation securely online through ActBlue or mail a check. Make Checks payable to: Clermont County Democratic Party (CCDP), PO Box 475, Batavia, OH 45103
Thank you for your support! Raymond W. Lembke, Party Chairman Clermont County Democratic Party
Clermont County Democratic Club Meetings
Next Quin-T meeting will be Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 6:30pm at CCDP Headquarters, 174 E. Main St., Batavia, Ohio. This will be an informal social and information sharing gathering. Quin-T will provide pizza and wine. Feel free to bring your own adult beverage of choice. And bring a friend too!
Democracy in Action is hosting their annual Summer Solstice on Friday, June 16 from 6pm to 11pm at Miami Riverview Park
Pride month will be celebrated, candidates will speak and this will be the last hurrah for reproductive rights petitions. An ice cream truck will be provided by Bobby Kelly Realty.
Below is a listing of Democratic groups in Clermont County. Click on the name of each club and it will take you to their website or Facebook page with updated information about meetings.
Quin-T Democrat Club | Democracy In Action | |
West Clermont Democrats | Clermont County Young Democrats | |
The Goshen Democratic Club | Drinking Liberally |
Clermont County Democratic Party Central Committee
Please contact Ben Indino, Central Committee Chair at: benjamin.indino@gmail.com or Amanda Fox, Central Committee Secretary at: alvfox33@gmail.com for more information.
Clermont County Democratic Party Executive Committee
Next Executive Committee meeting will be Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 7:00 pm
This will be a hybrid meeting with choice of in-person at headquarters, 174 E. Main Street, Batavia, Ohio 45103 and via Zoom. Central Committee members are encouraged to attend.
CCDP has four active committees. Each committee needs volunteers. Please consider getting involved. The strength of our party is our volunteers. You may contact the respective Chairs of each committee below by clicking on their name if you are interested in volunteering.
Finance Committee– Chair – Ben Brady
Events Committee – Chair – Katherine Lent
Communications Committee – Chair – Michelle DeTemple
The Communications Committee meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm via Zoom.
Benjamin Indino – Central Committee Chair
Tracy Jo Small – Central Committee Vice Chair
Amanda Fox – Central Committee Secretary
Raymond Lembke – Executive Committee Chair
Elaine Barnett – Executive Committee Vice Chair
Chris Barnett – Treasurer
Bonnie Carlier – Executive Committee Secretary
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Like, share, comment and retweet our posts. Use the hashtags #OHDems #ClermontOHDems
This is your newsletter. We welcome you to submit news items, events, book reviews or anything else you feel is important to advance our Democratic values in Clermont County. If you have critiques about content or format please feel free to voice your opinion.
Next issue will be published Tuesday, June 13, 2023. Deadline for submissions for the next issue is Friday, June 9, 2023. Send your submission with “CCDP Newsletter” in the subject line to our newsletter editor Cheryl Richards at: cheryl1richards@gmail.com
Share the newsletter with your friends and encourage them to sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter at clermontdems.org
Clermont County Democratic Party
174 E. Main Street P.O. Box 475
Batavia, OH, 45103
Paid for by the Clermont County Democratic Party, Christopher Barnett, Treasurer