What we learned from folks who engaged us at the State Fair Booth
The 12 day-run at the State Fair was revealing. Folks from all walks of life attend the State Fair. Most of those who visit the Bricker Marketplace building don’t wish to spend much time at any one booth. (There are hundreds of booths in the building during the Fair.) However, scores of individuals spent up to 15-20 minutes engaged in conversation regarding public education and the EdChoice voucher scheme.
Most of the folks that visited the booth expressed appreciation that the Coalition/Vouchers Hurt Ohio had a presence at the Fair. A few folks expressed support for vouchers; some of those expressed support for both public education and vouchers.
A high percentage of those contacted were not aware that vouchers are provided by the state; however, they were typically shocked when they learned that the state is now transferring billions from the public school fund to private schools.
Learn about EdChoice Vouchers: An Existential Threat to Public Schools