Part 3: Reasons/Arguments in favor of transfer of State Board of Education functions to the Governor’s office do not compute.
Some proponents of HB1 (transfer of duties and responsibilities of the State Board of Education to the Governor’s office) argue that the existence of the State Board of Education complicates state governance of education. The State Board of Education is the fourth branch of government at the state level as a consequence of the 1953 constitutional amendment (Article VI, section 4). The people of Ohio in 1953 separated the governance of education from the Governor’s office, placing it under a State Board of Education. This decision by the citizens of Ohio may not delight legislatures or governors, but the Constitution must be esteemed and followed (obeyed).
The State Board of Education provides an opportunity for citizens to have direct input into education policy and practice in a public forum. Tucking education into the Governor’s office eliminates this important opportunity for citizens. Yes, this can be as messy as democracy, a government of the people, by the people and for the people. However, some public officials seem not to be comfortable with giving folks a voice in government.
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