The Governor’s state budget: heavy on private school and privately-operated charter school funding—possibly light on the constitutionally-required public schools
The Governor said in his State of the State that his budget “reflects the moral imperative we have to see that Ohioans are fully educated…”
Moral imperative: a strongly-felt principle that compels that person to act.
It would seem that with this self-imposed commitment, the Governor will proceed to use every moral and political tactic available to obey the 26 year old Ohio Supreme Court order to fund a thorough and efficient system of common schools, while reducing emphasis on property tax in the funding formula. Further it would seem that the Governor will advance regulations on voucher schools and charter schools (particularly the online variety) to insure that students are being afforded a high-quality education; that he will be fully engaged in appealing to the legislature to fully fund the Cupp/Patterson Fair School Funding Plan.
The budget could well come up short on the funds needed to fund Cupp/Patterson and the additional funding studies that relate to Cupp/Patterson. The additional funds required for his advancement of vouchers and charters will compete mightily with Cupp/Patterson. The Governor recommends that students in families of four that earn less than four times the federal poverty rate become voucher eligible. This would make most Ohio students eligible. He also wants to add $3000 for each economically disadvantaged student in high-performing charter schools and increase per pupil facilities funding from $500 to $1000 for charter facilities.
With all the privatization funding, will there be any funds left for the students in the school districts?
P.S. The EdChoice voucher litigation is becoming more imperative every day.
Learn more about the EdChoice voucher litigation
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