Ohio Legislative Service Commission (LSC) fiscal note regarding state expenditure increase required by Senate Bill 11: $527.6 million in fiscal year 2024 and $527.9 million in fiscal year 2025 and following years.

SB11, (SB368 of the 134th General Assembly), the Ohio Senate version of a universal voucher scheme, according to the Ohio Legislative Service Commission, will cost the state $527.9 million annually. Obviously, this is an estimate and will depend on increases the legislature assigns vouchers in the future, and how the legislature will deal with homeschooler benefits. Currently, homeschoolers receive $250 in tax credits; SB11 proposes the amount of $2000. However, it would just be a matter of time until homeschoolers would receive a voucher.

The Ohio Legislative Service Commission estimates that 90,500 students currently attending private schools without vouchers would become eligible for vouchers.

Vouchers are funded from the same state budget line-item as school districts; hence, there would be well over $500 million less in the state budget line-items that currently fund school districts, charter schools and current voucher holders.

These LSC estimates don’t include increases in transportation costs districts are required to pay or the increase in the number of public school students that might switch to private school in response to a universal voucher scheme.

A person that is new to this voucher scheme might wonder why someone doesn’t challenge the voucher scheme in court. Well, about 40% of the Ohio school districts are doing so, and more districts are joining the effort each week.

Learn more about the EdChoice voucher litigation

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