- Campaign Season Has Officially Started
- We Appreciate Our Volunteers
- Senate Democrats Deliver the Inflation Reduction Act
- Congratulations to Ben Brady
- Ohio Democratic Party Press Release
- Word From The Chair – Raymond Lembke
- What’s New From Clermont to Columbus and Beyond
- Your 2022 Democratic Candidates On The November Ballot
- Two Important Trifectas In The November General Election
- Candidate Events
- Join The Donkey Club
- Reading Room
- Clermont County Democratic Club Meetings
- Clermont County Democratic Club Directory
- Next Issue Publication Dates
Now that the second primary is done we are officially in campaign season. As they say in horse-racing, “And we’re off!” So off to the races we go. There are a myriad of ways to get involved. Please be sure to look at the Candidate Events section for fundraisers, house parties, canvassing opportunities and meet and greets for local and statewide candidates. Pick a candidate to support and donate to their campaign and volunteer. Let’s make this the year of the blue wave!
We Appreciate Our Volunteers
Thank you to everyone who volunteered to participate in the Clermont County Fair parade and staffed the Clermont County Democratic Party’s fair booth. Volunteers are the heart and soul of our party. From the chair of the party to every single elected precinct captain we are all volunteers. We have not thanked you enough, and want to let you know that your dedication is essential to the work that we do. We cannot do it without you.
Senate Democrats Deliver The Inflation Reduction Act
Democrats deliver! This week the Democrats have been on a roll! Ruby red Kansas voted for a woman’s right to choose, we had a fantastic jobs report and now the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in the Senate. Now the bill goes to the House of Representatives.
ACTION NEEDED: Our Congressional District 2 is represented by Brad Wenstrup. Call and let him know you want him to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act. His contact information is below.
ANDERSON TOWNSHIP OFFICE 7954 Beechmont Ave, Suite 200 Cincinnati, OH 45255 P: (513) 474-7777 F: (513) 605-1377 |
WASHINGTON, DC OFFICE 2419 Rayburn H.O.B. Washington, DC 20515 P: (202) 225-3164 F: (202) 225-1992 |
Here is President Biden’s statement on the passage of this historical legislation.
Sunday, Aug. 07, 2022 – Today, Senate Democrats sided with American families over special interests, voting to lower the cost of prescription drugs, health insurance, and everyday energy costs and reduce the deficit, while making the wealthiest corporations finally pay their fair share. I ran for President promising to make government work for working families again, and that is what this bill does — period. CONTINUE READING
Congratulations Ben Brady
Congratulations to Ben Brady on his victory winning the State Committee Man for the 14th district seat on the Ohio Democratic Party’s Central Committee. The 14th District includes Clermont, Brown, Adams and Scioto counties. Ben says, “My sleeves are rolled up and I’m ready to tackle the challenges facing rural voters in the four counties and making our collective voices heard in the ODP. Thank you! I look forward to working with each of you!”
You may contact Ben on Facebook at Ben Brady for Ohio
By email at benbradyforohio@gmail.com
Ohio Democratic Party Press Release
Again, Mike DeWine Tries To Claim Credit for Law Enforcement Dollars He Opposed
Columbus, OH, Aug. 5, 2022 — In what’s become a repeat pattern for the Mike DeWine campaign, he’s once again taking credit for money that would not exist if DeWine had his way. Law enforcement funding touted by DeWine this afternoon is once again made possible by the Democrat-led American Rescue Plan, the same legislation Ohio Democrats fought to pass while Mike DeWine said he would have voted against it if he was still in Congress. Continue reading
Ohio is finally done with primary elections in 2022. In Clermont County, only 6.6% of all registered voters turned out for the August 2 primary. Turnout by registered Democrats was 18.4%, by Republicans was 20.4%. Continue Reading
What’s New From Clermont To Columbus And Beyond
Click on the headline to access the full article
Probate Judge Seeks Applicants for Clermont County Developmental Disabilities Board
Clermont County Probate Judge James A. Shriver is seeking applicants willing to serve on the Board of the Clermont County Board of Developmental Disabilities (Clermont DD). The appointment will be for a four-year term beginning in January 2023. The individual will be a part of a seven-member board for Clermont DD as outlined under Section 5126 of the Ohio Revised Code. All board members are volunteers. Learn More
Fear and Uncertainty Grip Patients As Abortion Referral Services Struggle to Keep Up
Abortion referral services have seen a change in how they do their work, but despite restrictions that make it less possible to get an abortion in Ohio, clinics and non-profits definitely haven’t seen a shortage of need. Continue Reading
Analysis: ‘If Kansas can do it, Ohio can’ say abortion advocates. But when will voters have their say?
Voters in Kansas, a very red state smack in the middle of America, spoke up last week and gave a resounding “no” to a constitutional amendment that would have done away with abortion rights in the state. Can Ohio do the same? Continue Reading
Your 2022 Ohio Democratic Ticket For The November Election
Tim Ryan | U.S. Senate | timforoh |
Samantha Meadows | U.S. Congress District 2 | samanthameadowsforcongress |
Nan Whaley | Ohio Governor | nanwhaley |
Chelsea Clark | Ohio Secretary of State | chelseaforohio |
Taylor Sappington | Ohio Auditor | sappingtonforohio |
Jeffrey Crossman | Ohio Attorney General | crossmanforohio |
Scott Schertzer | Ohio Treasurer | scottschertzerforohio |
Jennifer Brunner | Chief Justice Ohio Supreme Court | justicebrunner |
Marilyn Zayas | Assoc. Justice Ohio Supreme Court | judgemarilynzayas |
Terri Jamison | Assoc. Justice Ohio Supreme Court | votejudgejamison |
Brian Flick | Ohio House District 62 | votebrianflick |
Richard J. Perry | Ohio House District 63 |
Pick a candidate and donate and/or volunteer for their campaign. We need all hands on deck.
Two Important Trifectas In The General Election
The November 8 general election may be the most important election in our lives if we do not want to see our democracy die. Of course we want you to vote D all down the ticket, but we have two super important trifectas we really need to promote.
TRIFECTA ONE: We have three Ohio Supreme Court candidates. Justice Jennifer Brunner is running for Chief Justice and we need to add Marilyn Zayas and Terri Jamison to the Ohio Supreme Court as well. Remember their names and be sure to urge your Democratic friends to vote for them in November.
TRIFECTA TWO: After experiencing the recent redistricting nightmare brought to us by the Republicans on the Ohio Redistricting Committee it is imperative that we replace three key statewide offices with Democrats. These are the positions who will serve on the next Redistricting Committee: elect Nan Whaley as Governor of Ohio, Chelsea Clarke as Secretary of State, and Taylor Sappington as State Auditor.
Of course we want you to vote D all down the ticket but these two trifectas are extremely important to reclaim democracy in Ohio.
We urge you to check your voter registration and plan your vote for November 8, 2022. The deadline to register for the November 8th general election is October 11, 2022. You can check your registration here
Candidate Events
Brian Flick House Party
Sunday 8/14/22
Hosted by David Utterbeck & Mary McCutchen.
4999 Barnsby Lane
Cinicinnati, OH 45244.
Please RSVP to marytarheel@gmail.com or mccnback17@gmail.com
Brian needs volunteers for canvassing. Dates and locations below. You can sign up as a volunteer for Brian’s campaign here. You can donate to Brian’s campaign here.
Staging From Brian Flicks House (4679 Buckskin Trail 45145) 8/12 5:30-7:30 8/17 5:30-7:30 8/18 5:30-7:30 8/23 5:30-7:30 8/25 5:30-7:30 |
Staging from Jane Gonzales’ House (212 Bold Forbes Rd. 45140) 8/13 10:00am-12pm 8/20 10:00am-12pm 8/21 12:00pm-2pm 8/27 10:00am-12pm |
An evening with Nan Whaley and Friends, candidate for governor of Ohio with candidates for state office.
Wednesday, August 24th
6:30PM – 8:30PM
Loveland, Ohio
RSVP: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/e_082422loveland
*venue location provided upon RSVP
Hosted by Shanda Gentry & Cindy Daumeyer
6:30 -7:00 arrival & mingle
7:00 – 7:30 introductions & candidates
7:30 Nan Whaley
Reception in support of
Ohio Supreme Court Justice Jennifer Brunner Candidate for Chief Justice
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
The home of Barbara & John Fillion 505 Sanctuary Way, Cincinnati, OH 45255
(Please note this street is NOT in Apple Maps; please use Google Maps or Waze to find us)
Host Committee Levels $4,100 • $2,500 • $1,000 • $500
Sponsor – $250 • Supporter – $100 • Individual – $50
Please make checks payable to:
Jennifer Brunner Committee
c/o Gretchen Green, Treasurer
5001 Horizons Drive, Suite 209
Columbus, Ohio 43220
Or donate online at: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/jb083022
RSVP to Karen Connavino at karen@justicebrunner.com or (216) 534-3343
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
6:00 PM
OPCMIA 132 Cincinnati Facility
10490 N. State Street
Harrison, Ohio 45030
Refreshments will be provided.
Note: Tim Ryan yard signs are now available at Clermont County Democratic Party Headquarters. Contact us at clermontdems@gmail.com to make arrangements for pick up.
Join The Donkey Club
Our Donkey Club is our major source of funding and we hope you will become a member by joining.
Member Benefits
- A headquarters located centrally in the county in Batavia where you can attend Central and Executive Business Meetings of the party as well as other events
- A bi-monthly e-newsletter with the latest local and national news, information about candidates and activist opportunities
- A robust Internet presence on our Website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- You are helping SUPPORT OUR CANDIDATES and supporting our participation in the Clermont County Fair and other community events around the county
Suggested donation amounts: $50 Individual, $100 Couple, $200 Family, $250 Congressional, $500 Senate, $1000 Presidential
Click the Donate button below and make your donation securely online through ActBlue or mail a check. Make Checks payable to: Clermont County Democratic Party (CCDP), PO Box 475, Batavia, OH 45103
Thank you for your support! Raymond W. Lembke, Party Chairman Clermont County Democratic Party
Any Given Tuesday – A Political Love Story by Lis Smith
New York Times Bestseller
An irreverent look behind the scenes of American politics from one of the most sought-after operatives in the Democratic Party. Lis Smith isn’t your average political strategist and Any Given Tuesday isn’t your typical political memoir. At once a revealing look at human nature at the highest levels of power and an intimate portrayal of a sometimes rocky personal journey, it breaks all the rules. Smith doesn’t pretend to be perfect—she owns the controversial choices that landed her in the tabloids, as well as the unorthodox ones that have paid off and defined her successful career. Learn More
Come meet your fellow Democrats in Clermont County. The Quin-T Democrat Club will be meeting Thursday, September 1st starting at 6:30pm at the CCDP headquarters at 174 E. Main St., Batavia, Ohio. We will have an half hour social time between 6:30pm and 7:00pm. Feel free to bring something to eat and drink. Grammas Pizza is right next door to headquarters. At 7:00pm there will be a formal meeting with a short agenda. The remaining time will be used for an open forum and mingling with fellow Democrats. Information about the candidates running in the mid-term election on November 8, 2022 will also be provided.
West Clermont Democrats will meet Monday, September 12, 2022 starting at 7pm. There will be a social time from 7 – 7:30pm. The official meeting will begin at 7:30pm. The agenda will include state house updates from Columbus. Location Day Heights Fireman’s Memorial Building 1313 OH-131, Day Heights, OH 45150
Below is a listing of Democratic groups in Clermont County. Click on the name of each club and it will take you to their website or Facebook page with updated information about meetings.
Quin-T Democrat Club | Democracy In Action | |
West Clermont Democrats | Clermont County Young Democrats | |
The Goshen Democratic Club | Drinking Liberally |
Clermont County Democratic Party Central Committee
Please contact Ben Indino, Central Committee Chair at: benjamin.indino@gmail.com for more information.
Clermont County Democratic Party Executive Committee
Next Executive Committee meeting will be Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. This will be a hybrid meeting with choice of in-person at headquarters, 174 E. Main Street, Batavia, Ohio 45103 and via Zoom. Central Committee members are encouraged to attend.
Benjamin Indino – Central Committee Chair
Tracy Jo Small – Central Committee Vice Chair
Amanda Fox – Central Committee Secretary
Raymond Lembke – Executive Committee Chair
Elaine Barnett – Executive Committee Vice Chair
Chris Barnett – Treasurer
Bonnie Carlier – Executive Committee Secretary
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Like, share, comment and retweet our posts. Use the hashtags #OHDems #ClermontOHDems
This is your newsletter. We welcome you to submit news items, events, book reviews or anything else you feel is important to advance our Democratic values in Clermont County. If you have critiques about content or format please feel free to voice your opinion.
Next issue will be published Tuesday, August 23, 2022. Deadline for submissions for the next issue is Friday, August 19, 2022. Send your submission with “CCDP Newsletter” in the subject line to our newsletter editor Cheryl Richards at: cheryl1richards@gmail.com
Share the newsletter with your friends and encourage them to sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter at clermontdems.org
Clermont County Democratic Party
174 E. Main Street P.O. Box 475
Batavia, OH, 45103
Paid for by the Clermont County Democratic Party, Christopher Barnett, Treasurer