Money, Money, Money

In the 1972 movie-musical Cabaret, John Kander and Fritz Ebb included a song with the refrain “money makes the world go round.” While Cabaret was set in pre-World War II Berlin, this statement is even more true in 2022 Ohio politics. It is a very safe bet that we will see more money spent in Ohio this year to support and oppose candidates than ever before in our state’s history.

We know, for example, that the anti-democratic billionaire Peter Thiel has already given millions to support his protégé J.D. Vance. The Republican Governors’ Association recently spent over a million on a TV ad buy falsely attacking Nan Whaley. Thanks to the very poorly reasoned U.S. Supreme Court decision in Citizens United, people unknown will spend hundreds of millions to influence Ohio voters this year.

Our Democratic candidates cannot reach Ohio voters and be heard without the money to do so. I know that money is tight, and the cost of living is high. What follows is a list of our candidates with information on how you can give. Please support our candidates as much as you can!

Every candidate has a link for online donations prominently on her or his website.  The list below gives the website address. Some of us older folks prefer to send a check. Where I have been able to obtain that information, I have included information to donate by mailing a check. In my list, the candidate’s name is followed by the office for which she or he is running.

Tim Ryan – United States Senate

Tim Ryan for Ohio
P.O. Box 189
Niles, OH 44446

Nan Whaley – Governor of Ohio

Friends of Whaley/Stephens
P.O. Box 115
Dayton, OH 45401

Samantha Meadows – U.S. House Ohio Second District

Justice Jennifer Brunner – Chief Justice of Ohio

Jennifer Brunner Committee
c/o Gretchen Green, Treasurer
5001 Horizons Drive, Suite 209
Columbus, OH 43220

Judge Marilyn Zayas – Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court

Community for Judge Marilyn Zayas
1095 Pilgrim Place
Cincinnati, OH 45246

Judge Terri Jamison – Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio

Committee for Terri Jamison
545 East Town Street
Columbus, OH 43215

Chelsea Clark – Ohio Secretary of State

Taylor Sappington – Ohio Auditor

Taylor Sappington for Ohio
P.O. Box 158
Nelsonville, OH 45764

Jeffrey Crossman – Ohio Attorney General

Friends of Jeff Crossman
545 East Town Street
Columbus, OH 43215

Scott Schertzer – Ohio Treasurer

Schertzer for State Treasurer
545 East Town Street
Columbus, OH 43215

Brian Flick – Ohio House District 62

Friends of Brian Flick
4679 Buckskin Trail
Cincinnati, OH 45245

I am also including information on a candidate who will not be on the ballot in Clermont County, but who is running for the Ohio House of Representatives in District 27, just to the west of us.  This seat is currently held by a term-limited Republican and is considered the most likely Ohio House seat to flip from red to blue. She is also a good person.

Rachel Baker – Ohio House District 27

As of this writing, Rich Perry, the Democratic candidate for the Ohio House in District 63, is not yet in position to receive donations.  As soon as he is, the information on how to support him will be sent to you.

Also, please understand that we have three candidates for the Ohio Supreme Court who are running for different seats on the Court. They are not running against each other. Justice Jennifer Brunner, who is already on the Court, is running for Chief Justice of Ohio against Republican Justice Sharon Kennedy (don’t let the Kennedy name fool you). Judge Marilyn Zayas, currently on the Ohio Court of Appeals, is running for Supreme Court against incumbent Republican Justice Pat DeWine. Yes, DeWine is the Governor’s son. Judge Terri Jamison, also currently on the Ohio Court of Appeals, is running against incumbent Republican Justice Pat Fischer.

Important Dates

When this goes out, Election Day, November 8, 2022, will be only 62 days away.  In order to vote in this election, you must have registered to vote by no later than Tuesday, October 11, 2022.  You can register to vote online at  You can check your voter registration at  Early voting starts, and absentee mail ballots begin going out, on October 12, 2022.  If you want to vote by mail, get your application in now.  Applications for absentee ballots must be mailed or hand-delivered to the Board of Elections, but you can download the application form at  Once you get your absentee ballot, vote it for the candidates named above and send it back to the Board of Elections quickly.

You may hand-deliver your voted ballot in its security envelope to the Board of Elections or put it in the drop box outside the BOE office. However, only you or an immediate family member may take your voted ballot to the BOE or to the drop box. Friends may not return each other’s ballots. You might ask “who will know?” We think Republicans are watching this year, looking for something to point to when they need to claim “fraud” to explain why they lost.

Stay safe.