The Absurdity of Parents Being Entitled To Tax-Funded Vouchers For Education.
The HB290 universal voucher advocates—the backpackers—pontificate parental empowerment and education freedom. They argue that parents are entitled to choice, at public expense, at whatever education establishment is available to them.
On the surface, that argument seems appropriate, but below the surface it falls apart. When applied to other government functions, it becomes absurd (education is a government function). It is illogical to argue that in government functions such as police and fire protection, individuals are entitled to choose, at public expense, whatever police or fire protection they wish or just pocket tax funds to protect themselves.
The welfare of citizens is a burden of government. Education is at the top of the heap of government responsibilities and the welfare of citizens and the body politic—the social order. Subletting education to unregulated private entities is counter-productive to communities, the state, and the nation.
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The No Child Left Behind Act Has Put the Nation at Risk
Vouchers Hurt Ohio