American Legislative Exchange Council’s Assault on Public Education in 2022 is Deep and Wide.
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a legislative writing machine that churns out model legislation that is mostly contrary to the public good.
The model legislation is sent to states; hence, laws in the states whose legislature leadership is in sync with the ALEC anti-public good philosophy ends up being very similar.
ALEC legislation regarding public education is detrimental to the public common school. It is laced with a plethora of gimmicks to advance private education and privately operated education.
ALEC’s agenda for education in 2022 include such legislation as:
- EXPANDING EDUCATIONAL FREEDOM—Translation: Promotion of any and all gimmicks that changes the flow of public tax dollars from school districts directly into private hands.
regulating the teacher licensing process so that almost anyone can secure a state certificate to teach. - EDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNT—Translation: Universal voucher program, which means that all education funds would flow to parents, rather than the school districts.
In Ohio, ALEC, Buckeye Institute, Fordham Institute and several other anti-public common school organizations are working toward defunding the public education system by funding students directly. What a mess!
The EdChoice voucher litigation is a roadblock to the anti-public education movement.
Learn more about the EdChoice voucher litigation
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