

There is a growing demand among public school advocates that tax-supported private schools be publicly regulated. If the public is financing the private schools and charter schools, they should be required to follow the same rules as required of school districts.

The authors of HB290 have taken a preemptive strike in HB290—no new regulations allowed!

Proposed Section 3310.25 in HB290 states:

“(D) Each chartered non-public or non-chartered non-public school that elects to participate in the program shall comply with the requirements prescribed under this section. However, such schools are autonomous and not an agent of the state or federal governments. Therefore, all of the following shall apply:

(1) The treasurer of state shall not regulate the educational or instructional program of a chartered non-public or non-chartered non-public school or other educational provider that accepts funds under the program.

(2) The backpack scholarship program does not expand the authority of the treasurer of state to impose on chartered non-public or non-chartered non-public schools any additional requirements beyond those prescribed under this section.

(3) Chartered non-public and non-chartered non-public schools that elect to participate in the program shall be given maximum freedom to provide for the educational needs of their students.”

HB290 insures that private schools remain autonomous and not subject to any new requirements; hence, these institutions are essentially receiving gifts of tax money with absolutely no accountability to the taxpayers. Under this MO, the state could put gifts under Christmas trees for citizens that merely sign-up on the state’s Christmas gift list.

Something strange happens to legislators when they leave their respective communities to assemble at the Statehouse. The Statehouse environment seems to cause a disconnect between policy and the Constitution.

Follow the Link to read the 8 Lies about private school vouchers

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Photo Credit: Jeanne Melvin

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