A private group has been successful in getting a “green energy” issue on the ballot that, if passed, would divert $87 million from the city of Columbus to a private operation.
Amen to the Columbus Chamber’s statement, “Public revenue must have checks and balances and safeguards.” Those traits are lacking in the charter school business and totally absent in the voucher enterprise. It is time for “good government” to protest the use of public money for private education groups.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Columbus Dispatch: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 16A
Chamber: Reject misguided and corrupt ballot initiative
In response to the Dispatch’s fine editorial, “Don’t be duped: Weaselly ‘green energy’ group tries to con Columbus voters out of $87 million,” I would like to offer the support of the Columbus Chamber of Commerce to the chorus of voices asking Columbus voters to reject this misguided and corrupt ballot initiative.
A few weeks ago, I stood with Columbus city leaders, labor, public health and civic leaders to say — we stand together to protect our businesses, tax dollars and the integrity of our city’s budget.
Columbus businesses not only benefit from, but largely contribute to support the critical public resources that our city needs to thrive and prosper. Resources such as emergency and public safety services, exceptional parks and recreation amenities, and general development projects which are vital to the growth of our community.
I believe public revenues should have checks and balances with safeguards in place. Unfortunately, Issue 7 does not allow for this. Issue 7 removes funding from the city that central Ohioans rely upon with little accountability or oversight.
Aside from the fact the person leading this effort was indicted for campaign finance violations relating to this ballot issue, the people behind Issue 7 are not active in our community.
They have shown no desire to partner or learn about the strategic planning of our business and civic community. Their lack of knowledge is beyond disturbing, considering they want to fleece the city of tens of millions, $87 million to be exact, while our economy is working to rebound from a pandemic.
We must all be aligned to oppose Issue 7 and put our focus back on the important work of supporting and growing our economy.
Columbus Chamber of Commerce CEO and President Don DePerro
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