It’s that time of year!
Join or renew your Clermont County Donkey Club membership.
There are many different levels of membership to fit your budget.
Dime A Day: $36.50
Couple: $60
Family: $100
Silver: $250
Gold: $500
Diamond: $1,000
Your membership will help us continue to build the Democratic Party in Clermont County, support our Democratic candidates and fund our outreach to voters. Whether it’s a one-time contribution or a recurring monthly contribution we appreciate your support. #VoteBlueYou may join by mailing a check made out to CCDP PO Box 475, Batavia, Ohio 45103
Click the button below to join the Donkey Club today!
New Richmond’s rich black history connects to the Underground Railroad
New Richmond was front and center in the abolitionist movement of the 1800s. The village is home to multiple sites with a connection to the Underground Railroad.
Many of those sites have markers placed by either the state of Ohio, Clermont County or the National Park Service as part of its National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom. Two locations have that designation: the location of the offices for James Birney’s, The Philanthropist, an abolitionist newspaper, and the entire New Richmond riverfront; the location was the scene of several documented slave escapes. Read more.
How to end the Clermont County Republican Party’s dysfunctional and sycophantic culture
The fact there are contested primary races in Clermont County could be seen as a first step toward breaking up the local GOP’s sycophantic culture. Traditionally, candidates who did not get the county GOP endorsement used to drop out to avoid a primary. Read more.
Ohio Democrats decry Trump administration Medicaid change
Democrats including Ohio’s U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown criticized a new Trump administration Medicaid plan as a backdoor way to cut the program’s spending and jeopardize health care for the people it covers. The director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Seema Verma, described her agency’s new Healthy Adult Opportunity initiative as a “groundbreaking new policy” that would provide “an innovative and historical approach to surmounting Medicaid’s structural challenges.” Read more.
Four takeaways from Ohio’s recent campaign finance filings
Flipping the Ohio Supreme Court and making inroads within the Statehouse chambers was already going to be a challenge for Democrats in 2020. A money disadvantage will make things even tougher. The party is being outraised and outspent by its opposition, campaign finance reports show. Read more.
In explaining her vote to acquit donald trump on the impeachment charges, Maine Senator Susan Collins said that she thought trump had learned a “pretty big lesson.” He did, but not in the way Senator Collins meant. He has learned that his belief that rules don’t apply to him is correct. It is, simply, frightening to think what lesson trump will draw if he is re-elected in November. We already know that trump and his enablers view the Constitution as an 18th Century anachronism to be overcome or ignored. Why would we think that he holds the 22nd Amendment in any higher regard? Presidents in many other countries have successfully circumvented constitutional term limits. It is self-deception to think that it can’t happen here. Read more.
The most important thing we can do now is to VOTE and Get Out The Vote.
First check to make sure you’re registered to vote. Ohio has participated in purging voter rolls so check here to be sure you’re still registered. To vote in the March 17 presidential primary you must be registered to vote by February 18, 2020. If you find you’re not registered or need to register for the first time you can register online here or register in person at the Clermont County Board of Elections, 76 S. Riverside Dr., Batavia, OH 45103, phone 513-732-7275

We have been getting frequent inquiries from Republicans about how to switch parties in Ohio, so we put together a primer and posted it on our website. Here’s an excerpt:
Under Ohio election law, you declare your affiliation with a political party by requesting the ballot of that party in a partisan primary election. So, for example, you would declare your affiliation with the Democratic Party by asking for a Democratic ballot when you vote in the primary election. Partisan primary elections are held in every even numbered year. The 2020 Ohio partisan primary election is on Tuesday, March 17. Early voting for the 2020 primary starts on February 19. You may vote one party’s ballot in this primary election even if you’ve voted the other party’s ballot in previous elections. Read more.

The Clermont County Board of Elections is in need of poll workers for the March 17, 2020 presidential primary election. Details of requirements and responsibilities can be found here. You will earn a base pay of $125 plus $30 for training for a minimum of $155.
Call Leann at 732-7488
Call Stephanie at 732-7489
They also need workers to help in the BOE office for the March 17, 2020 presidential primary election. Call 513-732-7275 for details.
Everybody loves postcards! And postcards to voters and our representatives are easy and are proven effective. Here are two online groups you can join to make a difference.
Postcards to Voters are friendly, handwritten reminders from volunteers to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast.
How It Works
- Sign Up
- An email will be sent to you with instructions
- Become an Approved Writer
- Following the instructions in the email, write a practice postcard and email us a photo
- Approval
- If approved, we’ll send you addresses and information on how to obtain additional addresses
It’s a new day in the USA and we must take action and fight for our rights! Let YOUR Senators and Reps know your STATE of mind! We’ve been doing this since 10 days after the Election – and it WORKS! Influence policy with Postcards for America to elected officials at all levels. In-depth actions and addresses. Plus, action is the antidote to despair!
ACTION: We send postcards to each of our own Senators and Representatives at National and State level. Postcard (or Electronic Postcard) them about suggested topics which are kept updated.
Postcards for America gives you PC2As (Postcard Calls to Action) on key bills, topics and issues so you have all the info you need to write your Reps about your concerns.
Addresses, background information and even suggested wording provided. Click here for more information.
The Democratic statewide ticket has two excellent candidates running for Ohio Supreme Court, Judge Jennifer Brunner and Judge John P. O’Donnell. On November 3, 2020 it will be determined by the outcome of these two races which party has control over the Ohio Supreme Court. These two races will decide whether Republicans or Democrats control a court that will almost certainly have a role in deciding congressional and legislative district lines for the next 10 years. In other words, it’s a battle over whether districts are gerrymandered or not.
Judge Jennifer Brunner serves as one of 8 state appeals court judges of the Tenth District Court of Appeals located in Franklin County, Ohio. She previously served in elective office as a Common Pleas Judge (2000-2005) and Ohio Secretary of State (2007-2011).
In 2008 Brunner received the bipartisan John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award, the nation’s most prestigious award for elected public servants, for what Caroline Kennedy called, “her dauntless commitment to the enfranchisement of every Ohio voter” while serving as Ohio’s Secretary of State. She holds 17 years private law practice experience as well as state government experience in the Ohio Senate and the Secretary of State’s office as a staff attorney.
Judge Brunner has assisted foreign governments with rule of law and self-governance matters, including anti-corruption and judicial reform consulting in the Republic of Serbia, election observation in the Arab Republic of Egypt and providing legal training in the Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
Brunner has launched “JUSTICE FOR THE PEOPLE”, a grassroots project to bring Ohioans together. This unique campaign initiative seeks from Ohioans contributions of ideas, stories and mementos about Ohio, along with the participation of volunteer artists, including Judge Brunner, herself, to assemble these items from Ohioans into works of art, holding regional exhibitions that will also serve as organizing events.
The Republicans are out raising the Democrats by ten to one. It is crucial that we support our Democratic candidates. You can donate to Judge Brunner’s campaign here.
Bloomberg campaign hosts round table discussion on the opioid epidemic
All are welcome!
Thurs., Feb. 13, 2020
5pm – 7pm
Green Kayak Grille & Pub
200 Front St
New Richmond, OH 45157
Join Team Bloomberg for a roundtable discussion on Mike’s solutions for tackling the opioid epidemic, drug pricing, health care, and insuring robust public health in all communities.
Wednesday, February 26
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
RJ Cinema Distillery & Taproom next to Jungle Jims Eastgate
Please join us to kick-off our campaign in style! This will be a family-friendly event with some appetizers. Come and grab a drink, meet the candidate, and have a great time in an awesome new event space. Click here to RSVP on Facebook.
Click the button below to make an online donation to Acacia Uible now
Saturday, March 14
Sunday, March 15
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Columbus OH 43215
Join Ohio Democrats as we kick off primary week with our 2020 Legacy Dinner featuring special guest Rep. Joe Kennedy III. *Additional Speakers TBA — all 2020 presidential candidates have been invited. Individual tickets are $250 but if the Clermont County Democratic Party purchases a table of ten we can get tickets at a reduced cost. Contact Ray Lembke at if you’re interested in attending.
As many of you know, the 2020 Golden Donkey Dinner is fast approaching. The dinner will be April 25, 2020 at Heritage Hall in Goshen. Details will be coming soon.
Due to its success last year, we are bringing back the Silent Auction fundraiser. Please consider donating an item or two to the auction. Include a brief description of each donation and it’s approximate value. Coordinating the details of a silent auction requires early preparation. Deadline for submitting a donation is April 17. Please do not bring donations the night of the dinner. We will share more details as we get closer to the dinner.
Below is a list of things that have been successful in the past. This is by no means a complete list. If you have another idea contact us. Cheryl Richards is the contact for the silent auction. Send commitments for donations to
❖ Fine jewelry or vintage costume jewelry in mint condition ❖ Gift basket of upscale hair and personal care products or salon gift card ❖ Airline tickets ❖ Timeshares ❖ Sports events tickets ❖ Gift basket of Craft Beer/Wine ❖ Gift basket of fitness items/gift membership fitness center ❖ New in box electronics, tablet video games |
❖ Luggage ❖ Pottery, Ceramics, Original artwork ❖ Garden gift basket ❖ Pet gift basket ❖ Coffee Baskets, Gourmet Food Baskets ❖ Free tutor lessons and/or services, such as music, technology, art, painting, sports, voice, cooking, etc. ❖ Restaurant gift certificates ❖ Tickets to movie theaters, plays, music venues, symphony, ballet, etc. |
The Clermont County Democratic Party has groups all over the county. Join us! Meeting information is below. Click on the club name and it will take you to the club website or Facebook page for more information.
Quin-T Democrat Club First Thursday of every month, 7:30 PM Green Kayak Grille and Pub 200 Front Street New Richmond, Ohio 45157 |
Loveland Action Team (LAT) First Wednesday of every month, 6:30 PM Loveland Historical Society Museum 201 Riverside Avenue Loveland, Ohio 45140 |
West Clermont Democrats Second Monday of every month, 7:00 PM By Gollys 714 Lila Ave Milford, OH 45150 |
Clermont County Young Democrats Third Wednesday of every month, 7:00 PM Eastgate Jungle Jim’s bar area 4450 Eastgate S Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45245 |
The Goshen Democratic Club Third Thursday every other month, 6:00 PM A Music Cafe 1513 Ohio 28 Loveland, Ohio 45140 |
Drinking Liberally Third Monday of every month, 6:30 PM El Rancho Grande Eastgate 4476 Glen Este Withamsville Rd. Cincinnati OH 45245 |
Meetings are open to the public.
Everyone is welcome.
Executive Committee
6 PM, Fourth Thursday of every month at CCDP Headquarters
174 E Main Street
Batavia, OH 45103
Central Committee
7 PM, Immediately following the Executive Committee meeting.
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Like, share, comment and retweet our posts. Use the hashtags #OHDems #ClermontOHDems
Next issue will be published Tuesday, February 25, 2020. Deadline for submissions for the next issue is Friday, February 21, 2020. Send your submission to: Share the newsletter with your friends and encourage them to sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter at
Clermont County Democratic Party
174 E. Main Street P.O. Box 475
Batavia, OH, 45103