We are excited to announce our first 2020 candidates! Jeff Richards and Richard Perry are running for the two open seats for Clermont County Commissioner, Alan Darnowsky is running for Ohio House District 65 and Acacia Uible is running for Clermont County Clerk of Courts. All the candidates are in the process of getting their nominating petitions signed. If you would like to sign a petition or volunteer for their campaigns contact us at clermontdems@gmail.com
Congratulations to our candidates who won their races on November 5, 2019. Emily Deakyne Chesnut – Milford School Board, Kyle Mitchell – Milford City Council, Nancy Davis – Felicity Village Council, Jason Garrison – Batavia Village Council, and Leo Bradley – Clermont County Educational Service Center. Thanks to all of you for stepping up to serve your communities.
Let’s turn Clermont County blue! There is still time to step up for 2020. Offices will be open for Prosecutor, Recorder, Treasurer, Sheriff, Engineer, Coroner, Probate/Juvenile Court Judge, State Senator 14th District, State Representative 66th District, U.S. Representative 2nd District. Petitions to qualify for the March 17, 2020 primary need to be filed by December 18, 2019. Contact the Clermont County Board of Elections for more information at (513) 732-7275.
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Ten Candidates Will Take the Stage for the Democratic Debate Tomorrow Nov. 20
Get ready for heated arguments, political debates and pointed questions. No it’s not your Thanksgiving dinner, it’s the November Democratic debate. Democratic presidential primary candidates will square off on a debate stage in Atlanta on Wednesday, where the primary debate will be co-hosted by MSNBC and the Washington Post, airing live from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Read more.
Trump’s favorite loses in Louisiana governor’s race
“In two days, I really need you, but you really need you, to send a message to the corrupt Democrats in Washington. They are corrupt. They are crazy, crazy,” Trump said at a rally for Rispone last week. He later added that he “took a loss” in the Kentucky governor’s race earlier this month and pleaded with Louisiana voters to give him a victory. “So you got to give me a big win, please. OK? OK?” Trump said in his speech. He also campaigned for Rispone by calling into conservative radio stations on his behalf, criticizing Bel Edwards on Twitter and recording get-out-the-vote robocalls and videos. Read more.
Batavia Twp. officials look to make transition for Amelia residents ‘seamless’
On Nov. 5, voters in the village voted to surrender corporate powers of the village, meaning the village would dissolve into Batavia and Pierce Townships. But far as the trustees were concerned, it was just “another day of doing business.” Part of that business as usual involves taking up all the services the village provided, at least for the area of the village that will fold into the township. Read more.
Clermont County GOP considers so-called ‘hush clause’
So, if the rule passes, any Republican who is a part of the committee and follows the law by participating in legal action would lose their membership privileges — that means the sheriff, commissioners and even judges would temporarily lose their party rights for simply doing their jobs. Read more.
Rep. Brigid Kelly Announces Governor’s Signing Of Pink Tax Repeal Into Law
On November 6 State Rep. Brigid Kelly (D-Cincinnati) announced Senate Bill (SB) 26, which includes a provision she sponsored to eliminate Ohio sales taxes on feminine hygiene products, commonly known as the Pink Tax, was signed by Governor DeWine into law. Read more.
Leader Sykes Statement On Latest GOP Extreme Abortion Ban
“This latest abortion ban from extreme, right-wing lawmakers is the most brazen and absurd attempt yet to deny Ohio women their fundamental freedoms, to interfere with the patient-doctor relationship and disproportionately target communities of color across Ohio. This patently unconstitutional political stunt abuses taxpayer money and takes away from the real, serious issues before this General Assembly—issues like commonsense gun safety, which have not seen any real movement in this chamber in the 100 days since the Dayton massacre.” Read more.
Word from the County Chair – Ray Lembke
The November 2019 general election is largely over apart from a few potential recounts. Congratulations go out to our winners in Clermont County, Emily Chesnut – Milford Board of Education, Kyle Mitchell – Milford City Council, Nancy Davis – Felicity Village Council, Jason Garrison – Batavia Village Council and Leo Bradley – Clermont County Educational Service Center.
Be a 2020 Democratic Delegate
The Democratic National Convention is in July. That’s when convention delegates will play a critical role in an historic event: voting to nominate the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, who will bring our party together to defeat Donald Trump.
And here’s the important thing about the whole process — you don’t have to be a party insider to be a convention delegate. Ohio Democrats know that we are stronger when more people are involved, so if you’re interested in running to be a delegate at the 2020 Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee click here to apply.
Run for the Clermont County Democratic Central Committee
The Clermont County Democratic Party needs you! Precinct Captains are the voice between the Clermont County Democratic Party and their local neighborhood. They help to build the Democratic Party at its grass roots. Captains are a member of the CCDP Central Committee and attend monthly meetings. All 167 precincts in Clermont need one! There is no filing fee or signatures required to be on the ballot in the March 17, 2020 primary but you will need to file form 2-M with the Board of Elections. You can download the form here and file with the Board of Elections by December 18, 2019. If you decide to run or have any questions please contact us at clermontdems@gmail.com or call us at 513-732-2378
Sunday, December 8, 2019
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Twin Spires Clubhouse
4600 Winners Circle
Batavia, Ohio 45103
Join us for our end of year holiday gathering. CCDP will provide a meat tray, bread and soft drinks. Please bring a desert, side dish or appetizer. You are welcome bring your own adult beverages. Please bring non-perishable food items to donate to InterParish Ministries.
Democrats Because We Care
The Clermont County Democratic Party was proud to participate in the Clermont County Public Library Mitten Drive this year. We collected hats, mittens and scarves for children K through 12. The basket of donations was delivered to the Batavia Branch Library by Ray Lembke, Jeff Richards, Cheryl Richards and Donna Hermann. Photos contributed by Bob Hermann