Sunday, December 8, 2019
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Twin Spires Clubhouse
4600 Winners Circle
Batavia, Ohio 45103
Join us for our Clermont County Democratic Party end of year holiday gathering. Come meet our 2020 candidates at this free event. Jaime Castle for US Congressional District 2, Alan Darnowsky for Ohio House District 65, Jeff Richards for Clermont County Commissioner, Rich Perry for Clermont County Commissioner and Acacia Uible for Clermont County Clerk of Courts. CCDP will provide a meat tray, bread and soft drinks. Please bring a desert, side dish or appetizer. You are welcome to bring your own adult beverages. Please bring non-perishable food items to donate to InterParish Ministries.
Meet the Candidate
Jaime Castle for US Congressional District 2
Jaime Castle is seeking the Democratic nomination for the United States Congress for Ohio’s 2nd District. This district spans eight beautiful counties as does Jaime’s life story. Jaime was born and raised in Greenhills, Ohio which is located in the district’s far western corner. She currently resides in Mt. Washington, Cincinnati’s eastern-most neighborhood, with her two children Lucy, age 11, and Finnegan, age 9, and her husband Ben. Her parents and her sister’s family call Cherry Fork in Adams County their home so she often travels there to visit. She is a teacher for Cincinnati Public Schools and is a graduate of Roger Bacon High School (’95) and Miami University (’99).
Jaime is running for congress because there is a need to challenge the current Congressman who is deeply out of touch with his constituents. She wants to bring the power back to the people of the second district by fighting for a better healthcare system, expanding job creation opportunities and small business support programs, and for relief from the student-debt crisis. She will fight for women’s rights, opioid addiction relief, common-sense gun safety, and environmental protections. Look for her as she tours throughout our district, listening to the needs of the people and partnering with them on ways to improve their lives.
You can find Jaime on Facebook. You can donate to Jaime’s campaign here.
Editors Note: We will feature each one of the current declared candidates in upcoming issues.
Click on the headline to go to the full article
Ohio Bill Suggests Doctors Who Perform Abortions Could Face Jail, Unless They Perform a Non-Existent Treatment
A bill introduced in Ohio’s legislature would make physicians who end pregnancies guilty of “abortion murder” suggests that doctors should try to save ectopic pregnancies, in which a pregnancy grows outside of the uterus, by reimplanting the fetus in the uterus. It’s a procedure that does not exist. Read more.
Lobbyist helped Ohio legislator on newspaper column opposing “Medicare for All”
Sen. Stephen Huffman, R-Tipp City, was one of three state senators in the country whose emails reportedly revealed that lobbyists either helped draft or made “extensive revisions” to their columns opposing government involvement in health care. Read more.
Russian-owned company attempted Ohio election hack
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio detected and thwarted an election-related cyber attack earlier this month…Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose said the “relatively unsophisticated” hacking attempt on Nov. 5, which was Election Day, originated in Panama but was traced to a Russian-owned company. Read more.
Dollars coming to SR 32 for improvements
Most would agree that sitting in traffic stinks. Well, there’s good news for commuters who travel along the state Route 32 corridor in the Eastgate area, as major funding was just approved for road projects aimed at improving traffic flow and congestion through the area.
The Ohio Department of Transportation announced funding for the project last week. Read more.
Word from the County Chair – Ray Lembke
On November 20, I attended a Democratic gathering at the Milford Brewery. I was invited by, among others, Milford Mayor Amy Vilardo. While I and several other people spoke briefly, the featured speaker was Ohio Democratic Party Chair David Pepper. The Chairman said many interesting things, but I’d like to focus here on one of them. Chairman Pepper was, rightfully, enthused about how Democrats had done in local elections around the state this year.
In Westerville, Reynoldsburg, and Cuyahoga Falls, Democrats took control of or significantly increased their numbers in municipal governments that have historically been solidly Republican. A Democrat, who was a first-time candidate, defeated the Republican incumbent for mayor of Ireton in southern Ohio. I think these results should say something to us in Clermont County. Read more.
We are excited to announce our first 2020 candidates! Jaime Castle is running for US Congressional District 2, Jeff Richards and Richard Perry are running for the two open seats for Clermont County Commissioner, Alan Darnowsky is running for Ohio House District 65 and Acacia Uible is running for Clermont County Clerk of Courts. All the candidates are in the process of getting their nominating petitions signed. If you would like to sign a petition or volunteer for their campaigns contact us at
It will be a Blue, Blue, Blue Christmas without you! There is still time to step up for 2020. Offices are open for Prosecutor, Recorder, Treasurer, Sheriff, Engineer, Coroner, Probate/Juvenile Court Judge, State Senator 14th District, State Representative 66th District. Petitions to qualify for the March 17, 2020 primary need to be filed by December 18, 2019. Contact the Clermont County Board of Elections for more information at (513) 732-7275.
Tell Ohio Senators to Oppose Stand Your Ground!
SB 237 is a Stand Your Ground bill that would allow a person to shoot to kill another person in public — even if there is a safe and clear way to walk away from the danger.
At least 30 people nationwide are killed each month as a result of Stand Your Ground laws. These laws are associated with increases in homicides and injuries across different demographics and neighborhoods, while disproportionately impacting communities of color. A Stand Your Ground law would threaten public safety and make all Ohio residents less safe.
Send a message telling your senator to oppose SB 237 by clicking here.
Be a 2020 Democratic Delegate
The caucus for selecting potential national convention delegates committed to particular presidential candidates for Ohio’s Second Congressional District will be January 7, 2020 at Anderson High School, 7560 Forest Road, Cincinnati 45255. The doors will open at 6:00 p.m. and the caucus begins promptly at 7:00 p.m. The people selected as delegates on January 7 will be convention delegates in Milwaukee next summer if the candidate to whom they are committed wins sufficient votes in the Second District in the March 17, 2020 primary election.
The Democratic National Convention is in July. That’s when convention delegates will play a critical role in an historic event: voting to nominate the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, who will bring our party together to defeat Donald Trump.
And here’s the important thing about the whole process — you don’t have to be a party insider to be a convention delegate. Ohio Democrats know that we are stronger when more people are involved, so if you’re interested in running to be a delegate at the 2020 Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee click here to apply.
Run for the Clermont County Democratic Central Committee
The Clermont County Democratic Party needs you! Precinct Captains are the voice between the Clermont County Democratic Party and their local neighborhood. They help to build the Democratic Party at its grass roots. Captains are a member of the CCDP Central Committee and attend monthly meetings. All 167 precincts in Clermont need one! There is no filing fee or signatures required to be on the ballot in the March 17, 2020 primary but you will need to file form 2-M with the Board of Elections. You can download the form here and file with the Board of Elections by December 18, 2019. If you decide to run or have any questions please contact Chair Ray Lembke at (513) 236-5426 or email
Join An Activist Group
The election of Trump has spawned thousands of activist groups. Indivisible was one of the earliest to form. The Indivisible Project’s mission is to cultivate a grassroots movement of literally thousands of local Indivisible groups to elect progressive leaders, realize bold progressive policies, rebuild our democracy, and defeat the Trump agenda.
Ready to get started? Sign up for the latest updates on how you can take action, find your local group, and check out our latest resources to hold your members of Congress and the Trump administration accountable.
Register for the National Activist Call on Dec 5 at 8 PM ET. They’re going to cover the latest updates on the impeachment inquiry in the House, share the latest updates on their presidential engagement process, and recap the work they did in 2019!
We are stronger together. If you want to get involved or just want to connect with like-minded people, there’s a group for you. We have groups in the north and the south and in between. Join us! Meeting information is below. Click on the club name and it will take you to the club Facebook page for more information.
Quin-T Democrat Club Note: the December meeting & elections will be held on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2019 at 6:30 pm at the home of Jeff & Cheryl Richards More Information here. |
Loveland Action Team (LAT) TBD |
West Clermont Democrats Second Monday of every month, 7:00 PM By Gollys 714 Lila Ave Milford, OH 45150 |
Clermont County Young Democrats Third Wednesday of every month, 7:00 PM Eastgate Jungle Jim’s bar area 4450 Eastgate S Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45245 |
The Goshen Democratic Club Third Thursday every other month, 6:00 PM A Music Cafe 1513 Ohio 28 Loveland, Ohio 45140 |
Drinking Liberally Third Monday of every month, 6:30 PM El Rancho Grande Eastgate 4476 Glen Este Withamsville Rd. Cincinnati OH 45245 |
Meetings are open to the public. Everyone is welcome.
The next regular Executive and Central committee meetings will be held on Thursday, December 12th
Executive Committee
6 PM, Fourth Thursday of every month at CCDP Headquarters
174 E Main Street, Batavia, OH 45103
Central Committee
7 PM, Immediately following the Executive Committee meeting.
Consider joining the Clermont County Donkey Club today. There are many different levels of membership to fit your budget. Your membership will help us build the Democratic Party in Clermont County, support our Democratic candidates and fund our outreach to voters. Whether it’s a one-time contribution or a recurring monthly contribution we appreciate your support. #VoteBlue You can join by mailing a check made out to CCDP to PO Box 475, Batavia, Ohio 45103 or join online here.
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Like, share, comment and retweet our posts
Use the hashtags #OHDems #ClermontOHDems
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Tell us what you want the world to know. Next issue will be published December 17, 2019. Deadline for submissions for the next issue is December 13, 2019. Send your submission to: Share the newsletter with your friends and encourage them to sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter at
Clermont County Democratic Party
174 E. Main Street
P.O. Box 475
Batavia, OH, 45103